
The Journey to the Settlement

Canada’s Commitment Under the Settlement

The $8 billion Settlement includes:  

  • $1.8 billion in compensation to individuals and Impacted First Nations; 
  • An additional $50 million for eligible individuals who experienced Specified Injuries due to drinking water advisories that lasted at least one year between November 20, 1995, and June 20, 2021;  
  • $6 billion to support construction, upgrading, operation, and maintenance of water infrastructure on  First Nations land;
  • A renewed commitment to Canada’s Action Plan for the lifting of all long-term drinking water advisories;  
  • Planned modernization of Canada’s First Nations drinking water legislation 
  • The creation of a First Nations Advisory Committee on Safe Drinking Water; and  
  • Support for First Nations to develop their own safe drinking water by-laws and initiatives.  

Canada has agreed to make all reasonable efforts to support the removal of long-term drinking water advisories and will spend at least $6 billion by March 31, 2030, to implement this commitment by funding the actual cost of construction, upgrading, operation, and maintenance of water infrastructure in First Nations communities.  

About the Logo Design

First Nations Drinking Water Settlement

This concept includes four stones in various sizes, portraying the idea of stones being skipped on the water and the ripple effects they make.

Four stones were chosen as four is a sacred number in First Nations cultures (four directions, four seasons, and more). The stones fill the empty space within a water droplet, highlighting the steps to be taken with the Settlement. Each stone skipped has accompanying stylized water splashes, creating a sense of upward movement. The central circular elements are tied together with traditional style line-work elements to represent how interconnected water is to everything.