Claims Process Timeline
After submitting a claim, when will Individual Class Members receive compensation?
This timeline shows the Claims Process for Individual Claim Forms only and does not include claims submitted by Band Councils, Representative Claim Forms (e.g., estate or minors) or Specified Injuries.
For Representative Claims Forms for Minor Children, see the Minor Child Claim Process Timeline.
The Claims Process was set out by the court as part of the Settlement Agreement. It includes timelines for each step that must occur within a minimum number of days, so that claimants have enough time to respond and provide the required information. If you receive a letter with a deadline, please make sure you note what actions you need to take and by what date.
These timelines, along with other factors, including the need for additional information and appeals processes, can impact the amount of time it takes to process ca claim.
The Claims Process Timeline is also available as a PDF. See the Claims Process Timeline [PDF].